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Why Your Vision of Success Requires Execution

Blog #265

Thomas Edison once said, “Vision without execution is hallucination.” I believe this and agree with it. Exceptional visionary leaders are those who have great ideas and implement them. Intention without action is failure.

Lack of vision is prevalent today, especially in a world of high tech and social media. We are in a society that demands more, faster, now. Not all of us have the world-changing vision of Steve Jobs, but I suggest that vision, direction, and intention in our professional and personal lives is critical. Yes, it is important at work…and it is just as important outside of the office. We should all strive to be intentional planners.

A large percentage of my practice is focused on meeting with senior leaders (and sometimes, in conjunction with their spouses) to discover what success looks like on their terms. I think that for leaders to reach their vision of success, they must be balanced and clear in their business and personal lives, and this vision must be aligned with their partner and family. Once we determine that vision of success, we then create a plan with a path on how to achieve it – this path is, essentially, a blend of strategic planning and business coaching. It takes work and determination to reach this point. And although it is not always easy, it is amazing when that vision of success is attained.

To help individuals achieve their vision of success, I created a program called Life On Your Terms, which focuses on living life with intention and being present.

In my experience, many leaders who are meticulous and disciplined about strategic planning and execution at the office often do not consider implementing this in their personal lives. As a result, their family life, health, and relationships may end up looking like a train wreck. The joy of life is missing! They have forgotten about the fun and pleasure of family and friends, and the impact it can have on your health and well-being. The misstep of not including personal vision in your planning could have massive, negative implications at the office. It most always does.

One the easiest ways to assess how you are doing outside of work is to ask yourself how much time you invest in creating a clear direction, vision, and plan for your personal life. Have you allowed your work life to bleed into other areas of your life? If you are constantly answering emails or calls, or thinking about work when you are not working, you are not truly living your best life! Additionally, the impacts this will have on your personal life will likely not be positive.

Taking the time to be more intentional outside of work will empower you to get as much out of life as possible, resulting in you becoming a better leader, partner, parent, friend, neighbor, community member, etc. Remember, you are in control. You CAN achieve balance and your vision of success.

Recently, a senior leader shared with me his 9-year-old daughter’s goals. She created her list without his push or introduction to the concept. Here is what she wrote:

  1. Sing in front of people
  2. Try new kinds of vegetables
  3. Skydive
  4. Go winter hunting
  5. Be a successful vet business
  6. Get a scholarship at Iowa State

These are simple, but big, well-rounded, and attainable goals. And I am confident that she will grow up to become not only successful in business, but in life.

Just as this exceptional young lady set forth her goals, have you created your vision of success? What are you doing to stay balanced in your work and home life? How will your vision of success impact those around you?

Are you a leader who is interested creating a vision of success for your personal life? We can help with that! Contact us today to find out how.

Keep Smiling,
