The skills, structures, tools, and systems that have brought your company to its current level may not suffice to elevate it to the next level. Our focus in these sessions is to develop the necessary tools and infrastructure to ensure your organization can scale and achieve its goals.

At EA Advisors, we observe that every organization and leadership team undergoes four key phases:

  1. Stabilize: Teams or senior leaders primarily reacting to crises can hardly absorb new information. Stabilization often involves triage—securing quick wins and allocating time to strategically work on the business.
  2. Visualize: It’s crucial for senior leadership to clearly articulate the organization’s direction. This vision must be communicated frequently and in simple terms. Once universally embraced, it serves as a lever to decline distractions and prioritize essential growth initiatives.
  3. Strategize: With a clear vision, developing a straightforward strategy with defined goals and measurable success criteria lays the foundation for achieving that vision.
  4. Execute: The application of proven tools enhances organizational structure, communication, meeting efficacy, and accountability, all enforced with both rigor and empathy.


Our role as EA Advisors is to engage with curiosity, bravery, and kindness to assess your organization’s present stage. From there, we collaborate with you to tailor a plan that meets your team exactly where you are. This approach ensures everyone remains aligned and accomplishes the set objectives.

How It Works

Strategic planning engagements typically commence a month or two following initial CEO advising/coaching sessions. These early discussions illuminate existing leadership challenges. Once identified, we schedule an offsite meeting involving the entire leadership team. These offsites, ranging from one to four days, feature agendas collaboratively crafted with the CEO.

Subsequent offsite meetings may occur quarterly or every six weeks, based on mutual agreement.

Charges are determined on a daily basis, and formal contracts or agreements are generally unnecessary, unless requested by the client. At EA Advisors, our priority is ensuring our clients derive substantial value from our partnership and that our collaboration is effective. Should issues arise, we address them openly and, if necessary, conclude our partnership amicably, without any continuing obligations or expectations.