Great Outcomes Rely on a Great Fit

Not everyone is a fit.

When we are interviewing a potential client, we specifically look for three things:

    • Self-awareness and a desire to become better: Have they hit a ceiling, and are they now ready to work?
    • Involvement in a disruptive, or potentially disruptive industry: Today, with AI, reshoring, and automation, most industries are being disrupted.
    • An internal hardwiring to build something massive and amazing.


We only work with people we know we can impact. We often say that we must show up to every session prepared to be fired. In other words, we must be fearless, compassionate, and extremely candid. We have to call it as we see it, being direct but with curiosity and compassion.

We typically don’t have any contracts or agreements, only if you internally need an agreement or NDA. Some clients pay us a year in advance, and we have had many clients for years. However, we do require a mental commitment for at least six months. Change can happen overnight, but major change usually requires a few iterations.

If you are willing to make the commitment and would like to explore if we are a fit, please reach out for an interview. We look forward to seeing where this could go.

Keep smiling,


Client Application Form

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.