A CEO’s Toolkit: Your Three Primary Obligations

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Today, I want to dive into the three keys of effective leadership as a CEO. You might think you’ve got a handle on your role, but I’m here to shine a light on three absolutely non-negotiable core responsibilities—and believe it or not, not every CEO masters them. I kicked off my first company at 19 and have navigated the entrepreneurial roller coaster across 16 ventures, from building to crashing to selling. I’ve even had the privilege of learning from the best during my time at Harvard, studying entrepreneurial strategy. I’ve helped take a handful of companies to billion-dollar market caps. With every company I have worked with that has achieved greatness, the CEOs have mastered these three key obligations. 

I’ve noticed that many CEOs need to step back, take a breath make sure they are working on the right things not simply staying busy for the sake of staying busy. Remember, just because you can do something doesn’t always mean you should. So, let’s break down the three critical duties every CEO needs to nail:


1.Provide a Simplified, Clear, and Compelling Vision

First and foremost, we have the cornerstone of leadership: setting a crystal-clear vision. Sounds simple, right? Yet, many organizations and even individuals drift without direction, for opportunities as they happen to come up.  They are often reacting rather than being proactive with intention and direction.  Establishing a simplified vision is about dreaming big—think Elon Musk big. Regardless of whether you love the guy or hate him, he does a great job of creating a simplified, inspired vision. When you walk into SpaceX in Hawthorn CA, you’re greeted by two large images of Mars one as it is today versus another as visioned as colonized tomorrow. When people go to work there, they know that is the vision they are helping to drive towards.  That’s the power of a vivid, shared goal. A well-defined vision aligns your team, fuels motivation, attracts the right talent, and sets the stage for monumental achievements.


2.Structuring for Success

Next up is structure—the unsexy backbone of any organization. This is where I often start with an organization and where I believe you can get the most juice for the squeeze.  While it might be tempting to focus on charismatic leadership or innovative products, none of that works without a solid, simplified structure. Always start with structure first and people that fit that structure second.  This means knowing what seats will create the greatest clarity and scalability for the organization.   Once you have this structure it will ensure everyone understands their role, what they are accountable for, and how they will be measured on their success. It’s about orchestrating the flow of operations so seamlessly that accountability becomes second nature. Think of it like assembling the right players on a football team, where each player knows what they are accountable for, and they do it extremely well, the team begins to act as one cohesive unit complementing, supporting, and empowering one another.   


3.Building and Empowering Your Team

Lastly, let’s talk about the real game-changer: your team.  When you have a simple, audacious, and clear vision along with a streamlined, accountable structure you begin to attract the Right People for these newly defined Right Seats.  You will begin to attract people who are amazing at what they do, likely have done it many times before, and who will drive for greatness.  This foundation will go beyond attracting people only for skills; it’s about cultivating trust and alignment with your vision. The right team members are those who share your values and are committed to the mission. They need to understand not just what they’re working towards but how their contributions matter. When alignment and competence coexist, trust follows, reducing micromanagement, boosting efficiency, and driving greatness.

Remember that being at the helm of a company isn’t just about steering the ship—it’s about providing direction, building a team, and ensuring that everyone on board is rowing in unison toward a shared horizon.  When done correctly any challenges can be overcome and what becomes possible is only limited by your thinking.

If you’re eager to explore these concepts further or if you’re looking for guidance tailored to your unique challenges, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Keep smiling!