Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Delegate & Elevate

delegate & elevate In most cases, we as entrepreneurs are our own biggest obstacle to growth. As a business owner, your ability to break through these ceilings is fundamentally reliant upon your ability to master these 5 tools.

Let’s take a look at how delegation can elevate your business beyond those challenging 5-year ceilings, one step at a time. True growth often comes down to effective delegation and elevation.

single dot

In the beginning, it’s you against the world. You begin to understand how your strengths best fit into the business’s core functions and you find out what areas would be better served by someone else.

first delegation

But you can’t continue to grow by doing everything on your own. You only have 100% of your time. The business may require 200% of that. That means you need to delegate the remaining tasks.

This is where you look at your current staff. What are you best at? Where do you need to strengthen? Are you carrying dead weight? Can outsourcing to another company solve your problem?

secondary delegations

Once you’ve successfully identified and answered those questions and properly delegated the right tasks, it’s time to let go of the vine. By that I mean, show faith in your own delegation skills and find out if your team sinks or swims.

delegate and elevate

If the roles in your company have been clearly defined and you’ve put the right people in the right roles, it should be natural for the people you’ve already delegated to to delegate further. They should excel at their tasks and allow the company to elevate past that next ceiling.

If you want to break through that first 5-year ceiling, delegation is an absolutely necessary step in doing so. Want to talk to me about my experience delegating and elevating in my various businesses, or discuss a particular problem you’re going through right now? Email me at [email protected].